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About This Course

What you will learn:

  • What is Zoology?
  • History of Zoology
  • Classification of Animals
  • Animal Behaviors
  • Genetics and Breeding
  • Diversity of Life
  • Animal Diseases
  • Practising Animal Care
  • Animal Healthcare
  • Case Studies

Study Zoology Online Course; Learn and understand the history of the animal kingdom and how evolution and adaptation work

Join our Zoology course to learn about animal behaviors, animal biology, animal care, animal diversity and how animal health care helps animals. 

Zoology is a vast subject, encompassing all aspects of scientific knowledge about animals, such as embryonic development, evolution, behavior, ecological distribution, and classification. The Zoology Course introduces the natural world and its animal inhabitants.

The study of animals and their habitats is so vast that it is broken down into five main branches. You can study this accredited Zoology Course online, looking at what zoology is, defining its five branches, and introducing you to animals from a zoology perspective. We’ll review the history of zoology - learning about some of its famous practitioners, understanding the history of the animal kingdom and how evolution and adaptation work.

We’ll dive into animal characteristics and how they are used in classification, and explore behavioral types, instincts and social behaviors. We’ll also look into genetics and the breeding of animals; learning how and why it is done, and its advantages and disadvantages.

We’ll take a deep dive into the various aspects of animal environments. This includes an exploration of organisms, ecosystems and their elements; food chains; nature cycles like the water, nitrogen and carbon cycles; and biodiversity. We also look into the various diseases that affect animals, how these diseases are diagnosed, and how they are treated.

We’ll look at the practical side of animal care - learning how animals are handled, trained, and reared. We’ll discuss animal shelters, how animal health care facilities function, how health issues are detected in animals, the common health issues that occur in animals and the process of animal rehabilitation.

How Our Online Zoology Course Will Help You?

Zoology is a biological science that studies the animal kingdom, animal phyla, animal physiology, and animal welfare. It is important to learn animal behaviour and welfare methods to help further the classical studies in this field.

This certificate in wildlife management and zoology will help you learn about exciting topics like chimpanzee behaviour and conservation, carnivore zoology, and cell biology. Zoo rehabilitators will be especially excited to learn about zoo keeping. 

·        There are no degree requirements for the courses offered in this distance learning program.

·        They are one of the many courses available and are knowledge development courses as there are no education requirements.

·        The diploma course also touches on ecology and wildlife conservation, ecology, ecosystem dynamics, ecology principles, and ecosystem dynamics and conservation This is an excellent course in the field of zoology that teaches graduating students about health care, health issues and health sciences.

Highlights include:

·       National and international students will also learn about insect human interaction, life sciences and get an introduction to zoology.

·       You will also be taught basics behind marine life, marine biology, marine reptiles and overall marine sciences.

·       Discover natural science, such as natural history, natural resources, organ systems, organic chemistry, and how nervous systems evolved.

What you will learn with the Zoology Online Course

      What is Zoology?

      History of Zoology

      Classification of Animals

      Animal Behaviors

      Genetics and Breeding

      Diversity of Life

      Animal Diseases

      Practicing Animal Care

      Animal Healthcare

Who would benefit from our Zoology Online Course?

 The Zoology Course will be of interest to animal lovers who want greater insight into the animal kingdom, whether you own animals or are just interested in how they live and are cared for. The information contained within the course is particularly useful if you own or are setting up an animal care business.

Zoology Online Course - Requirements

The Zoology Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

      Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources

      Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)

      Be a self-directed learner

      Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension

  2. Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Zoology Course

  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device

  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace

  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

Your course search in zoology ends here. For more information about course descriptions, course contents, course fee, academic calendar, academic catalog, and course categories, view our frequently asked questions or get in touch with the team today.

You can also contact us for information about financial aid, print options, and for details on our topics in zoology that could advance your career further.

Zoology Online Course Outline

Module1: What is Zoology?

Part 1: A Definition of Zoology

Learning Objectives:

      Understand what we mean by Zoology

      Be familiar with the five branches of Zoology

      Understand what is meant by an ‘animal’.

A Definition of Zoology

The term zoology derives from the Greek words zion, which means "animal," and logos, which means "study of." It includes all areas of animal science, such as embryonic development, evolution, behavior, ecological distribution, and classification. There are many different approaches to research animals, because there are many different divisions of zoology. It is also graded according to which species are being studied. It encompasses topics ranging from organism composition to the subcellular unit of life.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Five Branches of Zoology


      Comparative Anatomy

      Animal Physiology


      Behavioral Ecology

Part 2: Introduction to Animals

Scientists have estimated that the Earth has nearly 8.7 million animal species that have evolved over 550 million years. This figure only includes organisms that have been found; many scientists claim that there are millions of species that are yet to be discovered. The world's oceans are also some of the most unexplored areas on the planet, despite significant efforts to discover them.

Topics to be discussed include:



      Reptiles and Birds


Part 3: Interesting Facts about Animals

There are several animals in the animal world, some of which have yet to be found. They are made up of some of the tiniest species with the most distinct characteristics. Any of these species will be highlighted in this section of the module.

Module 2: History of Zoology

Part 1: The History of Zoology

Learning Objectives:

      Understand the history of zoology

      Be familiar with some of the famous practitioners throughout history

      Understand the history of the animal kingdom and how evolution and adaptation work.

The History of Zoology

Zoology was developed in the 17th century and advanced further in the 18th and 19th centuries. The European Renaissance was a watershed moment in the evolution of zoology, ushering in a more executive approach. As a result, research into various animals, their life, and their effects on the atmosphere was promoted. Physiologist William Harvey, anatomist Vesalius, and Carl Linnaeus were all instrumental in the advancement of various facets of zoology that aided in the experimentation and exploration of this area.

Part 2: Famous Practitioners

Many individuals have had an effect on the validation and advancement of zoology across history. All of those people were trailblazers for a better respect and understanding of various animals and plants, thus bringing our attention to their plight.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Charles Chilton

      Dian Fossey

      Jane Goodall

      Jack Hanna

      Rachel Carson

      Gregor Mendel

      Steve Irwin

Part 3: The History of the Animal Kingdom

The animal kingdom is described by the dictionary as a primitive group of mammals, both living and extinct, ranging from the tiniest organisms to the largest animals on the planet; from the fossils of the oldest dinosaurs to the minutest microbes. Since humans first learned to differentiate between animals and species, millions of new species have been discovered and classified based on environment, behavior, and structure.

Part 4: Evolution and Adaptation

What is the concept of evolution? The question could easily be resolved by stating that evolution is the mechanism by which animal and plant species have metamorphosed from single cellular organisms to more complex organisms. The idea that we began as microscopic creatures creeping out of primordial waters is a fascinating one.

Topics to be discussed include:


Module 3: Classification of Animals

Part 1: The Characteristics of Animals

Learning Objectives:

      Understand the characteristics of animals

      Be aware of how animals are classified

      Understand the taxonomic classification.

This module will examine the fundamental characteristics that define an animal as "an animal."

Topics to be discussed include:


      Eukaryotic Cell Structure

      Specialized Tissues

      Sexual Reproduction

      A Blastula Stage of Development



      Advanced Nervous Systems

Part 2: The Classification of Animals

The biodiversity of the Earth is enormous, with over 40 million species of organisms thought to exist. However, only about 1.7 million have been classified. Many of these species have differences as well as similarities, but they must be classified into classes in order to allow for a deeper interpretation and systematic analysis.

Topics to be discussed include:

      The Need for Classification

      Outline of Animal Classification

Part 3: Taxonomic Classification

Biologists normally categorize species. These classifications are typically based on evolutionary relationships and common characteristics between species. Species are the most fundamental unit of creation. Under natural conditions, members of a species group can openly interbreed and do not mate with other species.

Topics to be discussed include:








Module 4: Animal Behaviors

Part 1: Animal Characteristics and Behavior

Learning Objectives:

      Be aware of various types of animal behavior

      Be familiar with animal behavioral characteristics

      Understand animal instinct and social behavior.

Animal Characteristics and Behavior

The dictionary describes animal behavior as "the systematic study of animal behavior."

That is fairly simple and self-explanatory. However, we will go into more detail and investigate the animal's traits and how they influence the animal's behavior.

Ethology is the science of animal behavior. Konrad Lorenz and Nikolaas Tinbergen invented the word ethology.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Learned Behaviors

      Instinctive Behaviors

      Abnormal Behaviors

Part 2: Understanding and Recognizing Behavior Characteristics

For years, scientists have researched animals: what they do, how they respond, how they live, and what they do to survive. Understanding and recognizing their characteristics or attributes in these circumstances would allow one to assist them in surviving. Some traits are easy to identify since they are seen in the majority, if not all, species.

Part 3: Instinctual Attributes

Instinct is a constant and important trait of an animal – a pattern that is set in its DNA and cannot be studied. Well, when they are born, animals are pre-programmed with these characteristics. These characteristics can be seen in all animals or breeds. When animals are born, they are born knowing how to do those things.

Module 5: Genetics and Breeding

Part 1: Genetics

Learning Objectives:

      Know more about the study of genes

      Understand the difference between crossbreeding and pure breeding

      Be familiar with the advantages of cross and pure breeding.


To put it simply, biology is the science of chromosomes. Gregor Mendel, a 19th-century physicist, was the first to research genetics and all of its variants. Some people describe genetics as the study of heredity, or the genes passed on by ancestors. It has been known that an infant inherits genes from both parents, 23 chromosomes from each, and therefore traits are inherited from both parents.

Topics to be discussed include:



Part 2: Cross Breeding

Crossbreeding is often known as the method of mating two separate breeds of animal to produce a new breed. The offspring will inherit both parents' genes and therefore characteristics, acquiring all desirable traits as well as those that made them vulnerable. This is also known as designer crossbreeding and by combining particular breeds, you are creating a specimen with the desired characteristics. Dogs are typically the most often crossbred species. Breeders do this to provide fitter, healthier dogs with more vitality and adaptability. This is an excellent way to increase the animal's gene pool.

Part 3: Pure Breeding

Pure breeding is a form of breeding in which parents with similar characteristics and traits produce offspring with similar characteristics and traits. Both children would be homozygous, meaning they would be the same color, build, and physical characteristics. They are also known as true-breeds at times.

Topics to be discussed include:

      Benefits of Pure and Cross Breeding

      Benefits of Pure Breeding

      Benefits of Cross Breeding

Module 6: Diversity of Life

Part 1: Organisms

Learning Objectives:



      Food Chains




An organism is simply any living being or mode of life. Animals, insects, and fungi are examples of species. Cells are found in organisms. They can adapt to stimuli, reproduce, grow and evolve, and maintain homeostasis. There are ten million species on Earth, though only a few have been recorded. About five billion animals are thought to be extinct today.

Topics to be discussed include:


