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About This Course
What you will learn
  • Benefits of organic gardening
  • Planning your organic garden
  • Making your soil better with organic material
  • Preparing a bed
  • Choosing plants for your organic garden
  • Weed control
  • Battling with pests
  • Other threats to your organic garden
  • Watering
  • Homemade goodness
  • Maintaining your organic garden

Study Organic Gardening Online Course and Enjoy the Health Benefits of an Organic Garden

Our Organic Gardening Course offers practical instruction, backed by solid knowledge. You’ll learn everything that you need to know to be able to grow your own fresh organic produce without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals.

You will discover what it means to “go organic” in the context of gardening and what the benefits of this are, both to your health and the environment. Armed with practical advice and information you will learn how to create your own organic garden. Each stage of the process is explained: choosing the right patch, understanding the ideal conditions for growth, choosing what to grow, creating and using a gardening map, and practicing proper crop rotation.

Soil! You’ll discover everything you need to know about soil – learning what is the most suitable for your garden by testing its type, pH level and nutrient value and understanding the importance of proper drainage. The quality of your soil can be enhanced using various types of organic matter. The course provides instructions on how to create various homemade fertilizers from household waste and items you may already have in your cupboards.

For a successful crop, you need to consider the various stages of planting your organic garden. The Organic Gardening Course guides you through the proper methods of preparing a garden bed and sowing seeds. If you’d prefer a head-start, the options for buying plants are discussed, including where to source them from.

There is plenty of choice when deciding what to plant in your organic garden. To give you a better understanding of what is involved with cultivating various plants, the course talks you through the main categories of plant and what is required to grow them successfully. You will learn how to nurture the growth of vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits, nuts, and landscape plants.

Every gardener has two natural enemies: weeds and pests. The Organic Gardening Course teaches you how to deal with both organically. You’ll learn about weeds and why they pose a problem and the various methods of getting rid of them, such as hand weeding, hoeing, mulching, solarizing, flaming and organic herbicide. There is also a rundown of the various types of weeding tools available to you.

As for pests, you’ll learn about the different kinds that may infest your garden. You’ll explore preventative options and learn how to deal with those already present in your garden. However, not all insects and invertebrates are pests. Some are beneficial to your garden; this course will teach you the difference.

Weeds and pests aside, there are even more threats to your garden that this course will make you aware of and show you how to deal with. Through studying the Organic Gardening Course, you’ll learn how to spot, control and prevent various plant diseases and deter animal intruders humanely..

Once your organic garden is established it is important to maintain it properly. You’ll learn about correct watering techniques and the equipment you can use to ensure your garden gets the right amount of water. You’ll explore maintenance tool options for various garden types and what your weekly gardening routine should involve.

The Organic Gardening Course runs through each of the four seasons and provides guidance on what you should be doing in each to maintain your garden’s health.

Who would benefit from the course?

From window boxes to full gardens, this course teaches everyone who is keen how to grow their own fresh and organic fruit, vegetables, herbs, and plants. With simple, straightforward explanations covering all topics, you’ll grow from a complete novice into a green-fingered expert.

Many of the fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets are sprayed with poisonous and dangerous pesticides. Growing your own fresh organic produce guarantees that you know what has gone into the food that you and your family consume. It is also healthier, fresher and better tasting. Anyone who cares about their body and is conscious about the effects of chemicals on the environment will appreciate this course.

Organic Gardening Online Course - Requirements

The Organic Gardening Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

  • Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
  • Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
  • Be a self-directed learner
  • Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension
  2. Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Organic Gardening Course
  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.

Organic Gardening Online Course Outline

Module 1: Going Organic

Part 1: Going Organic

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the benefits of organic gardening
  • Have the confidence to take the first steps in your own organic garden
  • Be aware of the fundamental principles to follow

Going Organic

The term "organic" refers to any living matter or product derived from it. Its use in natural resources such as land, water, and air have a significant effect on all life on earth. Humans have a tendency to abuse the environment, polluting it with toxic chemicals for brief personal benefit without considering the effects.

Part 2: Benefits of Organic Gardening

While organic gardening may seem to be a new phenomenon, it has been around for a long time. Agricultural activity has been largely responsible for progress within the settlers of that time since the dawn of human civilization. Natural planting has many benefits. Organically grown produce is much more nutrient-dense than synthetically grown produce.

Module 2: Planning Your Organic Garden

Part 1: Choosing the Site

Leaning Objectives:

  • Be aware of the importance of testing the soil before planting
  • Understand the relevance of sunlight, soil, and water
  • Be familiar with the concept of crop rotation in getting the best out of your site

Choosing the Site

When planning an organic garden, the first step is to select the ideal location for planting the seeds. There are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, the location should receive plenty of sunlight. This is due to the fact that every form of plant needs at least six to eight hours of sunlight to grow properly. This is especially true of vegetables.

Know the Conditions

  • Climate
  • Soil Conditions
  • Water 

Part 2: The Size of Your Organic Garden

The scale of the organic gardens is determined by the individual's desires as well as the amount of available land. If they want to do it entirely on their own, they might want to start with a smaller room. At the beginning, they will be able to handle a garden 10 feet by 10 feet in area.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Choosing What to Grow
  • Gardening Map
  • Crop Rotation

Part 3: Summary 

When preparing an organic garden, there are several factors to remember. First, they must carefully choose a location for the greenhouse. For planting the seeds, aim for a spot with plenty of sunshine and fertile soil. Additionally, ensure that there is a ready source of water and power nearby.

Module 3: Soil

Part 1: Testing the Soil

Learning Objectives:

  • Be aware of the importance of testing the soil for pH, nutrients, and drainage
  • Understand how to make compost
  • Be familiar with the advantages of organic fertilizers

Sand, Slit or Clay

Testing the soil for clay, salt, or slit is necessary because these materials can hinder plant growth and will need to be removed. Although clay is high in nutrients, it limits soil runoff, which is a concern. Sandy soils are deficient in nutrients and, when they drain so easily, block water from reaching plants. A loam soil that preserves moisture and is high in nutrients is suitable.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • pH level
  • Nutrient Value
  • Drainage

Part 2: Improve Your Soil Organically

Animal Waste

Animal waste, or manure, has been used as a fertilizer since the dawn of time, but the advent of inorganic fertilizers has limited its use. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, are still the healthiest option for providing nutrients to the soul.

Plant Waste

Plant waste is a form of compost that is produced from plant waste such as leaves and naturally shed branches. On an industrial scale, the procedure is reasonably simple, involving the production of heaps of plant waste that are left for several months to decompose into humus.

The Advantage of Homemade Compost

Compost can be done at home with both organic and inorganic materials and is almost as effective as store-bought compost if managed properly.

Organic Fertilizers:

  • Types
  • Benefits

Part 3: Summary

Several factors must be measured in the soil, like the soil type, which may be clayey, sandy, or loamy, with loamy being the best. They must also test the pH of the soil, since high acidity is dangerous. Third, they must determine the nutritional content of the soil, which is accomplished by the use of the earthworm test. Finally, the draining of the soil is tested by digging a crater, pouring water, and measuring how long it takes to drain dry.

Module 4: Preparing a Bed

Part 1: Preparing a Bed

Learning Objectives:

  • Be ware of the importance of preparing the ground
  • Know the step-by-step guide to planning seeds outside or inside
  • Be familiar with some of the best places to buy plants for your organic garden

Preparing a Bed

Choosing a design plan is the first step in planning a garden bed. They should still start visualizing their possible garden, regardless of the scale of the potential garden. Make a mental picture of how they want their future garden to look.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Sheet Mulching
  • Double Digging
  • Raised Bed

Part 2: Sowing Seeds

It's time to sow the seeds after they've prepared the garden bed for planting. They have two options for sowing seeds: direct seeding or growing the plant first indoors.

Direct Seeding

Direct seeding, also known as direct sowing, is the practice of planting seeds directly into the field and allowing them to germinate. Direct seeding can be advantageous in situations where a high degree of crop production is needed.

Growing Seeds Indoors

The other way of sowing seeds involves beginning the seeds indoors and then replanting them in the garden. During the cold winters, the seeds can be cultivated indoors, and by spring, the sprouting buds are ready to be planted outdoors.

Part 3: Buying Plants

Some people choose to cultivate plants from seed, while others choose to purchase starter plants from nurseries and introduce them into their backyard. When they want to buy starter plants, their biggest duty as an organic gardener is to figure out what chemicals, if any, have been used on the plants. It is preferable to buy plants that have been cultivated organically or without the use of pesticides.

Some Reputable Garden Centers in UK:

  • Alleyn Park Garden Centre
  • World’s End Nurseries
  • Barnsdale Garden
  • The Beth Chatto Gardens

Part 4: Summary

It is important to pursue a proper preparation stage when preparing the correct style of bed for the organic garden. Begin by visualizing the desired garden. Once they have a good understanding of what kind of garden they desire, compare their desires to facts and limitations to determine what is realistically feasible for them.

Module 5: Plants to Choose for your Organic Garden

Part 1: Vegetables

Learning Objectives:

  • Be familiar with the basic ingredients for a successful organic fruit and vegetable garden
  • Be aware of some of the easiest herbs you can grow
  • Understand the first steps in landscaping your garden

Plants for Your Organic Garden

The aim of the organic gardener is to preserve a healthy environment in their gardens, and most plants can thrive if these requirements are met. They can achieve a thriving pest-free environment if they choose plants with sunshine, soil, and temperature criteria that can be met by their greenhouse.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Vegetables
  • Summer Salads
  • Overall Maintenance

Part 2: Herbs

Herbs have been used for centuries for medicinal, cooking, aesthetic, and cosmetic purposes. Herbs with strong aromas are widely used in cooking, while flowering, scented herbs were used to produce fragrance and to shield fabrics from insects such as linen and wool. Herbs can also be used in traditional herbal medicines.

Part 3: Berries

Berries are called "superfoods" because of their high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to defend the body from disease.

Part 4: Fruits

Fruit is crucial for a balanced diet, with the majority of fruit consumed raw. Raw fruit can be dangerous to consumers, particularly if it has been sprayed with pesticides, which is why gardeners cultivate their own fruit to avoid ingesting pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Part 5: Nuts

Nuts are an important part of everyone's diet. When buying nuts from the local grocery store, they can find that they do not always taste new. Nuts in a package will quickly go bad. Some nuts, such as hazelnuts, thrive in gardens.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Hazelnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Walnuts

Part 6: Landscape

Planting fruit trees and bushes is a laborious job. Landscape plants and trees, owing to their greater scale, usually necessitate more commitment and effort from a gardener. Landscape trees are planted around the edges of a garden so that tomatoes, cherries, and other plants can be grown in the middle.

Part 7: Summary

This module covered the various vegetables, spices, berries, fruits, and nuts that can be grown in an organic garden. When planting a garden, essential considerations to consider include, but are not limited to, soil quality, amount of sunshine, available water, and climatic conditions.

Module 6: Weed Control

Part 1: The Problem with Weeds

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand why weeds are harmful elements in your garden
  • Be familiar with the methods for removing and eradicating weeds
  • Be aware of the tools you can use for getting rid of weeds

The Problem with Weeds 

Part 2: Getting Rid of Weeds

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Hand Weeding
  • Using a Hoe
  • Mulch
  • Solarising
  • Flaming
  • Organic Herbicides
  • Weeding Tools
  • Collinear Hoe
  • Strirrup Hoe
  • Swan-neck Hoe

Part 3: Summary

Weeds and how to get rid of them became the subject of this module. Weeds are unwanted plants that grow freely in gardens and fields and impede the growth of cultivated plants. They prefer moist soil and compete for sunshine, air, water, and the nutrients needed for healthy plant growth.

Module 7: Battling with Pests

Part 1: Common Garden Pests

Learning Objectives:

  • Be familiar with a number of common garden pests
  • Be aware of the organic remedies you can use to tackle these pests
  • Understand at what stage you should use chemical pesticides

Common Garden Pests

Pests and pathogens are the most dangerous threats to a freshly planted organic garden, even if certain pests are beneficial in some circumstances.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Aphids
  • Slugs or Snails
  • Boxtree Caterpillar/ Moth
  • Vine Weevil
  • Cabbage Caterpillars
  • Rosemary Beetle

Part 2: Preventative Measures

When it comes to pest control, prevention is always easier than cure. Organic gardeners oppose the use of artificial pesticides because they feel they are harmful to the environment. However, there is not a single organic gardener in the world that is content with rodents in their backyard.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Floating Row Covers
  • Pheromone Traps
  • Sticky Traps
  • Insecticidal Soap

Part 3: Controlling Pests Naturally

Natural pest management is not only essential for the garden, but it is also good for the pocket. If a person intends to take their gardening hobby seriously, purchasing and using pesticides in the garden may be a costly means of control. This module would look at the different natural approaches available to organic gardeners that are both successful and long-lasting.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Homemade Remedies
  • Setting a Trap

Part 4: Using Pesticides

Although if they are committed to using only organic items in the garden as an organic gardener, they must occasionally use pesticides for pest control. However, as an organic gardener, they can only use pesticides as a last resort, when all other non-toxic approaches have been exhausted.

Part 5: Beneficial Insects

For most any pest that presents a danger to plants, there are natural predators that hold the pest population in check. As a result, by developing an atmosphere that draws certain predators to the garden or acquiring predators from a list, they can guarantee that the garden stays pest-free. To do so successfully, they must be aware of the rodents in the garden as well as the form of infection.

Part 6: Summary 

Module 8: Other Threats to Your Organic Garden

Part 1: Plant Diseases and Solutions

Learning Objectives:

  • Be familiar with the three main causes of disease: viruses, bacteria, and fungi
  • Be aware of common diseases and preventative measures
  • Know when to treat disease organically and when to use pesticides
  • Prevention of pests taking up home in the garden can be done by several methods: by using floating row covers, pheromone traps, or traditional sticky trap. An individual can also control pests naturally by introducing the natural predators into the garden. They can also make their own pesticide sprays. Chemical sprays should be used only as a last resort.

Plant Diseases and Solutions

Viruses are continually changing, becoming more effective and harder to handle, which is why virus-caused plant disease is so difficult to fight. Bacteria is another cause of plant disease. Bacteria is a tiny organism known as a secret killer since the plant does not always exhibit external symptoms after being seriously infected internally.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi

Part 2: Prevention of Disease

Pathologists recommend that gardeners take a number of measures to avoid disease. Since most of these diseases are transmitted by the presence of water and humidity, keeping the plant foliage dry is an important step in avoiding the various plant-related diseases.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Buying Plants
  • Keep Your Plants Dry
  • Prevention Technique

Part 3: Controlling Common Diseases

This module would go over the various chemical compounds used to contain disease. Fungicides are used to treat diseases caused by fungi. Bacterial diseases can be treated with antibiotics and bactericides.

  • Black Spot
  • Anthracnose
  • Apple Scab
  • Galls
  • Leaf Spots and Blight

Part 4: Sneaky Animals

However, if the garden is disease-free and pest-free, there is always a risk of sneaky animals endangering the safety and health of the plants. These animals will damage the plants if they get into the garden while the gardener is not looking.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Moles
  • Voles
  • Squirrels
  • Rabbits

Part 5: Summary 

This module looks at the three main forms of pathogens that can damage plants and cause disease. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi are examples of pathogens. This further discussed the point that infections caused by viruses are incurable, in comparison to viruses caused by bacteria and fungi. Fungi are responsible for the majority of plant diseases. Various pesticides and fungicides that can be sprayed are used to combat these diseases.

Module 9: Watering

Part 1: Frequency

Learning Objectives:

  • Be aware of the importance of regularly watering your garden
  • Be familiar with the best tools to use for watering and as well as tools for other tasks
  • Understand the regular jobs you need to do to optimize your crops


Watering plants is an integral aspect of maintaining a good, thriving greenhouse. Plant’s wilt and die without water; too much water and the plant become unhealthy to retain water, or the soil is disrupted if the incorrect form of watering equipment is being used.

Part 2: Useful Equipment

Bean irrigation can be done using a range of tools and procedures. A rain scale, for example, can assist in calculating how much water is contributed naturally. The technique is straightforward. Examine the depth of the rainwater accumulated within the gauge during each downpour. Commercial rain gauges are easily available, easy to use, and have precise calibrations. 

Part 3: Tools for Maintenance

Garden equipment come in a variety of sizes and forms, and they serve a variety of functions. A hoe, for example, can be used to weed a flowerbed as well as to make furrows for planting seeds in a vegetable garden. This segment would look at a few of them based on the type of greenhouse.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Vegetable Garden
  • Raised Bed Garden
  • Flowerbeds and Lawns

Part 4: Your Gardening Routine

The amount of time spent on garden upkeep is strongly determined by the scale of the garden. Per week, an average-sized garden of nine to eighteen square meters should take no more than an hour. This does not involve the number of hours needed to complete certain big clean-ups that are expected on a yearly basis.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Deadheading
  • Debudding
  • Pinching, Snipping, Nipping, and Tucking

Part 5: Summary

This module addressed a variety of topics related to plant irrigation, watering machines, and garden maintenance tools.

Module 10: Homemade Goodness

Part 1: Fertilizer Recipes

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of feeding your soil and plants
  • Be aware of a few homemade recipes you can put together to achieve this aim

Fertilizer Recipes

Many people nowadays believe that owning a garden is a difficult task. When they tell their parents or grandparents how complicated it is today to grow and manage their own farm, they remember how easy and inexpensive it was many years ago. This is due, in part, to the fact that many gardeners manufactured their own fertilizers and pesticides.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Bananas
  • Coffee
  • Eggshells
  • Weeds
  • Molasses
  • Human urine
  • Grass Clippings
  •  Manure
  • Green Tea
  • Powdered Milk
  • Simple Tea Fertilizer

Part 2: Summary

Many people nowadays believe that owning a garden is a difficult task. When they tell their parents or grandparents how complicated it is today to grow and manage their own farm, they remember how easy and inexpensive it was many years ago. This is due, in part, to the fact that many gardeners manufactured their own fertilizers and pesticides. Organic fertilizers, when opposed to synthetic fertilizers, replenish the earth's resources while ensuring little harmful effect on the soil.

Module 11: Maintaining Your Organic Garden

Part 1: Through the Year 

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter 

Part 2: Summary

This module explained how to keep the garden in good condition throughout the year. Since plants are highly dependent on the weather, and season brings with it new opportunities and challenges for garden maintenance. 

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will have a better understanding of Organic Gardening and its health benefits. You will also be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

The Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1 - Going Organic

  • Part 1: Going Organic
  • Part 2: Benefits of Organic Gardening
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - Planning Your Organic Garden

  • Part 1: Choosing the site
  • Part 2: Deciding on the size of your organic garden
  • Part 3: Summary
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Soil

  • Part 1: Testing your soil
  • Part 2: Making your soil better using organic matter
  • Part 3: Summary
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Preparing a Bed

  • Part 1: Preparing a Bed
  • Part 2: Sowing Seeds
  • Part 3: Buying plants
  • Part 4: Summary
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Plants to Choose for your Organic Garden

  • Part 1: Vegetables
  • Part 2: Herbs
  • Part 3: Berries
  • Part 4: Fruits
  • Part 5: Nuts
  • Part 6: Landscape
  • Part 7: Summary
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Weed Control

  • Part 1: What are weeds and why are they a problem?
  • Part 2: Methods to get rid of weeds
  • Part 3: Summary
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Battling with Pests

  • Part 1: Common Garden Pests
  • Part 2: Preventive Measures
  • Part 3: Controlling Pests Naturally
  • Part 4: Using Pesticides
  • Part 5: Beneficial Insects
  • Part 6: Summary
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Other threats to your organic garden

  • Part 1: Plant Diseases and their Solutions
  • Part 2: Prevention of diseases
  • Part 3: Common diseases and the products to control them
  • Part 4: Sneaky Animals
  • Part 5: Summary
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Watering

  • Part 1: Frequency
  • Part 2: Types of equipment
  • Part 3: Tools needed for maintenance
  • Part 4: Your gardening routine
  • Part 5: Summary
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 – Homemade Goodness

  • Part 1: Fertiliser Recipes
  • Part 2: Summary
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Maintaining your organic garden

  • Part 1: Throughout the year
  • Part 2: Summary

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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Organic Gardening Online Certificate Course

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"This course was awesome. It is laid out in a way that it eases you into the world of gardening. The information is well-organized and very easy to understand. " - Liam B. Verified Buyer 

With this Organic Gardening Course, you’ll learn everything that you need to know to be able to grow your own fresh organic produce without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals.

Plus, you can learn more with course bundles, see all bundle options below.

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7-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Course Summary

  • Delivery: Online
  • Access: Unlimited Lifetime
  • Time: Study at your own pace
  • Duration: 150 Hours
  • Assessments: Yes
  • Qualification: Certificate
About This Course
What you will learn
  • Benefits of organic gardening
  • Planning your organic garden
  • Making your soil better with organic material
  • Preparing a bed
  • Choosing plants for your organic garden
  • Weed control
  • Battling with pests
  • Other threats to your organic garden
  • Watering
  • Homemade goodness
  • Maintaining your organic garden

Study Organic Gardening Online Course and Enjoy the Health Benefits of an Organic Garden

Our Organic Gardening Course offers practical instruction, backed by solid knowledge. You’ll learn everything that you need to know to be able to grow your own fresh organic produce without the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals.

You will discover what it means to “go organic” in the context of gardening and what the benefits of this are, both to your health and the environment. Armed with practical advice and information you will learn how to create your own organic garden. Each stage of the process is explained: choosing the right patch, understanding the ideal conditions for growth, choosing what to grow, creating and using a gardening map, and practicing proper crop rotation.

Soil! You’ll discover everything you need to know about soil – learning what is the most suitable for your garden by testing its type, pH level and nutrient value and understanding the importance of proper drainage. The quality of your soil can be enhanced using various types of organic matter. The course provides instructions on how to create various homemade fertilizers from household waste and items you may already have in your cupboards.

For a successful crop, you need to consider the various stages of planting your organic garden. The Organic Gardening Course guides you through the proper methods of preparing a garden bed and sowing seeds. If you’d prefer a head-start, the options for buying plants are discussed, including where to source them from.

There is plenty of choice when deciding what to plant in your organic garden. To give you a better understanding of what is involved with cultivating various plants, the course talks you through the main categories of plant and what is required to grow them successfully. You will learn how to nurture the growth of vegetables, herbs, berries, fruits, nuts, and landscape plants.

Every gardener has two natural enemies: weeds and pests. The Organic Gardening Course teaches you how to deal with both organically. You’ll learn about weeds and why they pose a problem and the various methods of getting rid of them, such as hand weeding, hoeing, mulching, solarizing, flaming and organic herbicide. There is also a rundown of the various types of weeding tools available to you.

As for pests, you’ll learn about the different kinds that may infest your garden. You’ll explore preventative options and learn how to deal with those already present in your garden. However, not all insects and invertebrates are pests. Some are beneficial to your garden; this course will teach you the difference.

Weeds and pests aside, there are even more threats to your garden that this course will make you aware of and show you how to deal with. Through studying the Organic Gardening Course, you’ll learn how to spot, control and prevent various plant diseases and deter animal intruders humanely..

Once your organic garden is established it is important to maintain it properly. You’ll learn about correct watering techniques and the equipment you can use to ensure your garden gets the right amount of water. You’ll explore maintenance tool options for various garden types and what your weekly gardening routine should involve.

The Organic Gardening Course runs through each of the four seasons and provides guidance on what you should be doing in each to maintain your garden’s health.

Who would benefit from the course?

From window boxes to full gardens, this course teaches everyone who is keen how to grow their own fresh and organic fruit, vegetables, herbs, and plants. With simple, straightforward explanations covering all topics, you’ll grow from a complete novice into a green-fingered expert.

Many of the fruits and vegetables sold in supermarkets are sprayed with poisonous and dangerous pesticides. Growing your own fresh organic produce guarantees that you know what has gone into the food that you and your family consume. It is also healthier, fresher and better tasting. Anyone who cares about their body and is conscious about the effects of chemicals on the environment will appreciate this course.

Organic Gardening Online Course - Requirements

The Organic Gardening Course is delivered 100 percent online 24/7.

To successfully complete this course, a student must:

  • Have access to the internet and the necessary technical skills to navigate the online learning resources
  • Have access to any mobile device with internet connectivity (laptop, desktop, tablet)
  • Be a self-directed learner
  • Possess sound language and literacy skills

Quick Course Facts

  1. Course content is structured for easy comprehension
  2. Registered students gain unrestricted access to the Organic Gardening Course
  3. All course material is available online 24/7 and can be accessed using any device
  4. Study online from anywhere in your own time at your own pace
  5. All students who complete the course will be awarded with a certificate of completion

For any additional questions please see our comprehensive FAQS tab above.

Organic Gardening Online Course Outline

Module 1: Going Organic

Part 1: Going Organic

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the benefits of organic gardening
  • Have the confidence to take the first steps in your own organic garden
  • Be aware of the fundamental principles to follow

Going Organic

The term "organic" refers to any living matter or product derived from it. Its use in natural resources such as land, water, and air have a significant effect on all life on earth. Humans have a tendency to abuse the environment, polluting it with toxic chemicals for brief personal benefit without considering the effects.

Part 2: Benefits of Organic Gardening

While organic gardening may seem to be a new phenomenon, it has been around for a long time. Agricultural activity has been largely responsible for progress within the settlers of that time since the dawn of human civilization. Natural planting has many benefits. Organically grown produce is much more nutrient-dense than synthetically grown produce.

Module 2: Planning Your Organic Garden

Part 1: Choosing the Site

Leaning Objectives:

  • Be aware of the importance of testing the soil before planting
  • Understand the relevance of sunlight, soil, and water
  • Be familiar with the concept of crop rotation in getting the best out of your site

Choosing the Site

When planning an organic garden, the first step is to select the ideal location for planting the seeds. There are a few things to keep in mind. First and foremost, the location should receive plenty of sunlight. This is due to the fact that every form of plant needs at least six to eight hours of sunlight to grow properly. This is especially true of vegetables.

Know the Conditions

  • Climate
  • Soil Conditions
  • Water 

Part 2: The Size of Your Organic Garden

The scale of the organic gardens is determined by the individual's desires as well as the amount of available land. If they want to do it entirely on their own, they might want to start with a smaller room. At the beginning, they will be able to handle a garden 10 feet by 10 feet in area.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Choosing What to Grow
  • Gardening Map
  • Crop Rotation

Part 3: Summary 

When preparing an organic garden, there are several factors to remember. First, they must carefully choose a location for the greenhouse. For planting the seeds, aim for a spot with plenty of sunshine and fertile soil. Additionally, ensure that there is a ready source of water and power nearby.

Module 3: Soil

Part 1: Testing the Soil

Learning Objectives:

  • Be aware of the importance of testing the soil for pH, nutrients, and drainage
  • Understand how to make compost
  • Be familiar with the advantages of organic fertilizers

Sand, Slit or Clay

Testing the soil for clay, salt, or slit is necessary because these materials can hinder plant growth and will need to be removed. Although clay is high in nutrients, it limits soil runoff, which is a concern. Sandy soils are deficient in nutrients and, when they drain so easily, block water from reaching plants. A loam soil that preserves moisture and is high in nutrients is suitable.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • pH level
  • Nutrient Value
  • Drainage

Part 2: Improve Your Soil Organically

Animal Waste

Animal waste, or manure, has been used as a fertilizer since the dawn of time, but the advent of inorganic fertilizers has limited its use. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, are still the healthiest option for providing nutrients to the soul.

Plant Waste

Plant waste is a form of compost that is produced from plant waste such as leaves and naturally shed branches. On an industrial scale, the procedure is reasonably simple, involving the production of heaps of plant waste that are left for several months to decompose into humus.

The Advantage of Homemade Compost

Compost can be done at home with both organic and inorganic materials and is almost as effective as store-bought compost if managed properly.

Organic Fertilizers:

  • Types
  • Benefits

Part 3: Summary

Several factors must be measured in the soil, like the soil type, which may be clayey, sandy, or loamy, with loamy being the best. They must also test the pH of the soil, since high acidity is dangerous. Third, they must determine the nutritional content of the soil, which is accomplished by the use of the earthworm test. Finally, the draining of the soil is tested by digging a crater, pouring water, and measuring how long it takes to drain dry.

Module 4: Preparing a Bed

Part 1: Preparing a Bed

Learning Objectives:

  • Be ware of the importance of preparing the ground
  • Know the step-by-step guide to planning seeds outside or inside
  • Be familiar with some of the best places to buy plants for your organic garden

Preparing a Bed

Choosing a design plan is the first step in planning a garden bed. They should still start visualizing their possible garden, regardless of the scale of the potential garden. Make a mental picture of how they want their future garden to look.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Sheet Mulching
  • Double Digging
  • Raised Bed

Part 2: Sowing Seeds

It's time to sow the seeds after they've prepared the garden bed for planting. They have two options for sowing seeds: direct seeding or growing the plant first indoors.

Direct Seeding

Direct seeding, also known as direct sowing, is the practice of planting seeds directly into the field and allowing them to germinate. Direct seeding can be advantageous in situations where a high degree of crop production is needed.

Growing Seeds Indoors

The other way of sowing seeds involves beginning the seeds indoors and then replanting them in the garden. During the cold winters, the seeds can be cultivated indoors, and by spring, the sprouting buds are ready to be planted outdoors.

Part 3: Buying Plants

Some people choose to cultivate plants from seed, while others choose to purchase starter plants from nurseries and introduce them into their backyard. When they want to buy starter plants, their biggest duty as an organic gardener is to figure out what chemicals, if any, have been used on the plants. It is preferable to buy plants that have been cultivated organically or without the use of pesticides.

Some Reputable Garden Centers in UK:

  • Alleyn Park Garden Centre
  • World’s End Nurseries
  • Barnsdale Garden
  • The Beth Chatto Gardens

Part 4: Summary

It is important to pursue a proper preparation stage when preparing the correct style of bed for the organic garden. Begin by visualizing the desired garden. Once they have a good understanding of what kind of garden they desire, compare their desires to facts and limitations to determine what is realistically feasible for them.

Module 5: Plants to Choose for your Organic Garden

Part 1: Vegetables

Learning Objectives:

  • Be familiar with the basic ingredients for a successful organic fruit and vegetable garden
  • Be aware of some of the easiest herbs you can grow
  • Understand the first steps in landscaping your garden

Plants for Your Organic Garden

The aim of the organic gardener is to preserve a healthy environment in their gardens, and most plants can thrive if these requirements are met. They can achieve a thriving pest-free environment if they choose plants with sunshine, soil, and temperature criteria that can be met by their greenhouse.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Vegetables
  • Summer Salads
  • Overall Maintenance

Part 2: Herbs

Herbs have been used for centuries for medicinal, cooking, aesthetic, and cosmetic purposes. Herbs with strong aromas are widely used in cooking, while flowering, scented herbs were used to produce fragrance and to shield fabrics from insects such as linen and wool. Herbs can also be used in traditional herbal medicines.

Part 3: Berries

Berries are called "superfoods" because of their high amounts of vitamin C and antioxidants, which help to defend the body from disease.

Part 4: Fruits

Fruit is crucial for a balanced diet, with the majority of fruit consumed raw. Raw fruit can be dangerous to consumers, particularly if it has been sprayed with pesticides, which is why gardeners cultivate their own fruit to avoid ingesting pesticides and chemical fertilizers.

Part 5: Nuts

Nuts are an important part of everyone's diet. When buying nuts from the local grocery store, they can find that they do not always taste new. Nuts in a package will quickly go bad. Some nuts, such as hazelnuts, thrive in gardens.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Hazelnuts
  • Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Walnuts

Part 6: Landscape

Planting fruit trees and bushes is a laborious job. Landscape plants and trees, owing to their greater scale, usually necessitate more commitment and effort from a gardener. Landscape trees are planted around the edges of a garden so that tomatoes, cherries, and other plants can be grown in the middle.

Part 7: Summary

This module covered the various vegetables, spices, berries, fruits, and nuts that can be grown in an organic garden. When planting a garden, essential considerations to consider include, but are not limited to, soil quality, amount of sunshine, available water, and climatic conditions.

Module 6: Weed Control

Part 1: The Problem with Weeds

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand why weeds are harmful elements in your garden
  • Be familiar with the methods for removing and eradicating weeds
  • Be aware of the tools you can use for getting rid of weeds

The Problem with Weeds 

Part 2: Getting Rid of Weeds

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Hand Weeding
  • Using a Hoe
  • Mulch
  • Solarising
  • Flaming
  • Organic Herbicides
  • Weeding Tools
  • Collinear Hoe
  • Strirrup Hoe
  • Swan-neck Hoe

Part 3: Summary

Weeds and how to get rid of them became the subject of this module. Weeds are unwanted plants that grow freely in gardens and fields and impede the growth of cultivated plants. They prefer moist soil and compete for sunshine, air, water, and the nutrients needed for healthy plant growth.

Module 7: Battling with Pests

Part 1: Common Garden Pests

Learning Objectives:

  • Be familiar with a number of common garden pests
  • Be aware of the organic remedies you can use to tackle these pests
  • Understand at what stage you should use chemical pesticides

Common Garden Pests

Pests and pathogens are the most dangerous threats to a freshly planted organic garden, even if certain pests are beneficial in some circumstances.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Aphids
  • Slugs or Snails
  • Boxtree Caterpillar/ Moth
  • Vine Weevil
  • Cabbage Caterpillars
  • Rosemary Beetle

Part 2: Preventative Measures

When it comes to pest control, prevention is always easier than cure. Organic gardeners oppose the use of artificial pesticides because they feel they are harmful to the environment. However, there is not a single organic gardener in the world that is content with rodents in their backyard.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Floating Row Covers
  • Pheromone Traps
  • Sticky Traps
  • Insecticidal Soap

Part 3: Controlling Pests Naturally

Natural pest management is not only essential for the garden, but it is also good for the pocket. If a person intends to take their gardening hobby seriously, purchasing and using pesticides in the garden may be a costly means of control. This module would look at the different natural approaches available to organic gardeners that are both successful and long-lasting.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Homemade Remedies
  • Setting a Trap

Part 4: Using Pesticides

Although if they are committed to using only organic items in the garden as an organic gardener, they must occasionally use pesticides for pest control. However, as an organic gardener, they can only use pesticides as a last resort, when all other non-toxic approaches have been exhausted.

Part 5: Beneficial Insects

For most any pest that presents a danger to plants, there are natural predators that hold the pest population in check. As a result, by developing an atmosphere that draws certain predators to the garden or acquiring predators from a list, they can guarantee that the garden stays pest-free. To do so successfully, they must be aware of the rodents in the garden as well as the form of infection.

Part 6: Summary 

Module 8: Other Threats to Your Organic Garden

Part 1: Plant Diseases and Solutions

Learning Objectives:

  • Be familiar with the three main causes of disease: viruses, bacteria, and fungi
  • Be aware of common diseases and preventative measures
  • Know when to treat disease organically and when to use pesticides
  • Prevention of pests taking up home in the garden can be done by several methods: by using floating row covers, pheromone traps, or traditional sticky trap. An individual can also control pests naturally by introducing the natural predators into the garden. They can also make their own pesticide sprays. Chemical sprays should be used only as a last resort.

Plant Diseases and Solutions

Viruses are continually changing, becoming more effective and harder to handle, which is why virus-caused plant disease is so difficult to fight. Bacteria is another cause of plant disease. Bacteria is a tiny organism known as a secret killer since the plant does not always exhibit external symptoms after being seriously infected internally.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Fungi

Part 2: Prevention of Disease

Pathologists recommend that gardeners take a number of measures to avoid disease. Since most of these diseases are transmitted by the presence of water and humidity, keeping the plant foliage dry is an important step in avoiding the various plant-related diseases.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Buying Plants
  • Keep Your Plants Dry
  • Prevention Technique

Part 3: Controlling Common Diseases

This module would go over the various chemical compounds used to contain disease. Fungicides are used to treat diseases caused by fungi. Bacterial diseases can be treated with antibiotics and bactericides.

  • Black Spot
  • Anthracnose
  • Apple Scab
  • Galls
  • Leaf Spots and Blight

Part 4: Sneaky Animals

However, if the garden is disease-free and pest-free, there is always a risk of sneaky animals endangering the safety and health of the plants. These animals will damage the plants if they get into the garden while the gardener is not looking.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Moles
  • Voles
  • Squirrels
  • Rabbits

Part 5: Summary 

This module looks at the three main forms of pathogens that can damage plants and cause disease. Viruses, bacteria, and fungi are examples of pathogens. This further discussed the point that infections caused by viruses are incurable, in comparison to viruses caused by bacteria and fungi. Fungi are responsible for the majority of plant diseases. Various pesticides and fungicides that can be sprayed are used to combat these diseases.

Module 9: Watering

Part 1: Frequency

Learning Objectives:

  • Be aware of the importance of regularly watering your garden
  • Be familiar with the best tools to use for watering and as well as tools for other tasks
  • Understand the regular jobs you need to do to optimize your crops


Watering plants is an integral aspect of maintaining a good, thriving greenhouse. Plant’s wilt and die without water; too much water and the plant become unhealthy to retain water, or the soil is disrupted if the incorrect form of watering equipment is being used.

Part 2: Useful Equipment

Bean irrigation can be done using a range of tools and procedures. A rain scale, for example, can assist in calculating how much water is contributed naturally. The technique is straightforward. Examine the depth of the rainwater accumulated within the gauge during each downpour. Commercial rain gauges are easily available, easy to use, and have precise calibrations. 

Part 3: Tools for Maintenance

Garden equipment come in a variety of sizes and forms, and they serve a variety of functions. A hoe, for example, can be used to weed a flowerbed as well as to make furrows for planting seeds in a vegetable garden. This segment would look at a few of them based on the type of greenhouse.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Vegetable Garden
  • Raised Bed Garden
  • Flowerbeds and Lawns

Part 4: Your Gardening Routine

The amount of time spent on garden upkeep is strongly determined by the scale of the garden. Per week, an average-sized garden of nine to eighteen square meters should take no more than an hour. This does not involve the number of hours needed to complete certain big clean-ups that are expected on a yearly basis.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Deadheading
  • Debudding
  • Pinching, Snipping, Nipping, and Tucking

Part 5: Summary

This module addressed a variety of topics related to plant irrigation, watering machines, and garden maintenance tools.

Module 10: Homemade Goodness

Part 1: Fertilizer Recipes

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the importance of feeding your soil and plants
  • Be aware of a few homemade recipes you can put together to achieve this aim

Fertilizer Recipes

Many people nowadays believe that owning a garden is a difficult task. When they tell their parents or grandparents how complicated it is today to grow and manage their own farm, they remember how easy and inexpensive it was many years ago. This is due, in part, to the fact that many gardeners manufactured their own fertilizers and pesticides.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Bananas
  • Coffee
  • Eggshells
  • Weeds
  • Molasses
  • Human urine
  • Grass Clippings
  •  Manure
  • Green Tea
  • Powdered Milk
  • Simple Tea Fertilizer

Part 2: Summary

Many people nowadays believe that owning a garden is a difficult task. When they tell their parents or grandparents how complicated it is today to grow and manage their own farm, they remember how easy and inexpensive it was many years ago. This is due, in part, to the fact that many gardeners manufactured their own fertilizers and pesticides. Organic fertilizers, when opposed to synthetic fertilizers, replenish the earth's resources while ensuring little harmful effect on the soil.

Module 11: Maintaining Your Organic Garden

Part 1: Through the Year 

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter 

Part 2: Summary

This module explained how to keep the garden in good condition throughout the year. Since plants are highly dependent on the weather, and season brings with it new opportunities and challenges for garden maintenance. 

Recognition & Accreditation

Upon successful completion of this course and achieving a passing score for the assessment, you will have a better understanding of Organic Gardening and its health benefits. You will also be issued with an international continuing education credit (CEU) certificate.

The Certificate is applicable worldwide, which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers, and potential employers. Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles and job applications.

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Units of Study

Module 1 - Going Organic

  • Part 1: Going Organic
  • Part 2: Benefits of Organic Gardening
  • Module 1 Assessment

Module 2 - Planning Your Organic Garden

  • Part 1: Choosing the site
  • Part 2: Deciding on the size of your organic garden
  • Part 3: Summary
  • Module 2 Assessment

Module 3 - Soil

  • Part 1: Testing your soil
  • Part 2: Making your soil better using organic matter
  • Part 3: Summary
  • Module 3 Assessment

Module 4 - Preparing a Bed

  • Part 1: Preparing a Bed
  • Part 2: Sowing Seeds
  • Part 3: Buying plants
  • Part 4: Summary
  • Module 4 Assessment

Module 5 - Plants to Choose for your Organic Garden

  • Part 1: Vegetables
  • Part 2: Herbs
  • Part 3: Berries
  • Part 4: Fruits
  • Part 5: Nuts
  • Part 6: Landscape
  • Part 7: Summary
  • Module 5 Assessment

Module 6 – Weed Control

  • Part 1: What are weeds and why are they a problem?
  • Part 2: Methods to get rid of weeds
  • Part 3: Summary
  • Module 6 Assessment

Module 7 - Battling with Pests

  • Part 1: Common Garden Pests
  • Part 2: Preventive Measures
  • Part 3: Controlling Pests Naturally
  • Part 4: Using Pesticides
  • Part 5: Beneficial Insects
  • Part 6: Summary
  • Module 7 Assessment

Module 8 - Other threats to your organic garden

  • Part 1: Plant Diseases and their Solutions
  • Part 2: Prevention of diseases
  • Part 3: Common diseases and the products to control them
  • Part 4: Sneaky Animals
  • Part 5: Summary
  • Module 8 Assessment

Module 9 - Watering

  • Part 1: Frequency
  • Part 2: Types of equipment
  • Part 3: Tools needed for maintenance
  • Part 4: Your gardening routine
  • Part 5: Summary
  • Module 9 Assessment

Module 10 – Homemade Goodness

  • Part 1: Fertiliser Recipes
  • Part 2: Summary
  • Module 10 Assessment

Module 11 - Maintaining your organic garden

  • Part 1: Throughout the year
  • Part 2: Summary

Entry requirements

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Computer requirements

Students will need access to a computer and the internet.

Minimum specifications for the computer are:


Microsoft Windows XP, or laterModern and up to date Browser (Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)


OSX/iOS 6 or laterModern and up to date Browser (Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

All systems

Internet bandwidth of 1Mb or fasterFlash player or a browser with HTML5 video capabilities(Currently Internet Explorer 9, Firefox, Chrome, Safari)

Students will also need access the following applications:

Adobe Acrobat Reader


Entry requirements:

Students must have basic literacy and numeracy skills.

Minimum education:

Open entry. Previous schooling and academic achievements are not required for entry into this course.

Device requirements:

Students will need access to a computer/any device and the internet.


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14.  Do I need to buy textbooks?

All the required material for your course is included in the online system, you do not need to buy anything else.

15.  Is the course interactive?

Yes, all our courses are interactive.

16.  Is there an assessment or exam?

you will be required to complete a multiple-choice test online at the
end of your course, you can do this test as many times as you require.

17.  What type of certificate will I receive?

will receive a Certificate of Completion that is applicable worldwide,
which demonstrates your commitment to learning new skills. You can share
the certificate with your friends, relatives, co-workers and employers.
Also, include it in your resume/CV, professional social media profiles
and job applications.

Wendy Sue Hunt - 5 STAR REVIEW
"If you are considering taking any “Courses for Success”, I would highly recommend it. I have always been a firm believer it’s important to always sharpen your skills. You are never too old to learn more. I found the courses very helpful, interesting and easy to understand.
The term “Courses for Success” helped me in my current position to succeed. After completing the courses, I gave my manager the completion certificates. Recently I received a promotion too."

Valencia Marie Aviles - 5 STAR REVIEW
had a very good experience with my course. It has helped me to get
multiple jobs and prepared me for almost everything I would need to
know. The course was very informative and easy to understand and broken
up perfectly to be done in a short amount of time while still learning a
good amount! I would recommend Courses for Success to anyone trying to
get abs certifications for job advancements, it is well worth it!"

"I have absolutely enjoyed the materials from Courses for Success. The materials are easy to understand which makes learning enjoyable. Courses for Success have great topics of interest which make you come back for
Thank you Courses for Success for being part of my learning journey and making education affordable!"

completion certificates are very valuable and will help you progress in
your work environment and show employers how committed you are to learn
new skills, you might even get a promotion.

18.  Will this course be credited by universities?

No, it is not equivalent to a college or university credit.

19.  Am I guaranteed to get a job with this certificate?

This course will give you the skills you need to help you obtain employment, but it’s up to you if you get the job or not.

20.  How will this course assist me with my career?

and completing this course will show employers that you have the
knowledge in this field, additionally you will gain more confidence in
this area of expertise.

21.  How long is the certificate valid for?

The Certificates are valid for life and do not need renewing. 

22.  Can I take more than one course at a time?

are studied online at your own pace and you are free to study as many
or as few courses as you wish, we also offer online course bundles that
allow you to save on additional courses so that you may get all the
topics related to your training goals in one go.

23.  What are the Payment Methods available? Is there a payment plan?

We accept payments via PayPal, Credit Card and Bank Transfer.

Payment Plans: We have partnered with, to offer our own in house payment plan. Everyone is Pre-Approved, providing the initial deposit is paid in full.

To pay via bank transfer contact us

24.  Can I purchase for multiple people?

Yes, you can do this by purchasing individually via website or send us a request via email at

25.  Can I request for an invoice before purchase?

Yes, you can request for an invoice via email at

26.  Purchase for a gift?

Yes, you can purchase this course as a gift, simply send an email to, with the course details and we can accommodate this.

27.  Can I create my own course bundle?

you can customize your own bundle. Please send us the complete list
with the exact course link of the courses you'd like to bundle up via
email and we will create them for you. *Each course access, time of completion and certification varies depending on the course type.

28.  How will I contact Courses For Success if I have any questions?

You can contact our support team, at any time through live chat on our website, or email at, or by calling one of our phone numbers depending on which country you are in.  

Free Personal Success Training Course

The Personal Success Training Program Helps You Stay Focused To Achieve Your Goals!

Today, we are providing it for Free with all Course Purchases, as a special offer!


• How to layout a Success Plan.

• Get where you want to be in life.

• How to unclutter your mind to succeed.

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• How to have faith in yourself.


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Hurry - offer - ends today!

Course Bundles

Looking for specific training for yourself or employees. Choose from our Course Bundles below or build you own Bundle, by adding more courses to your cart. Choose different courses or the same course for multiple staff members and receive volume discounts at checkout.

Course Bundles