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How To Write A Facility Management Job Description

How To Write A Facility Management Job Description

While often overlooked, a facility manager is critical for the effective running of a business’ daily operations. The role of a facility manager can be very broad, incorporating numerous responsibilities not just in ensuring that facilities are properly managed and maintained, but also undertaking strategic planning to help the company achieve its long term goals.

Because of this, it’s vital for both the hiring company and potential candidates that a facilities manager job description is specific and informative. An effective job description will give applicants a good understanding of what exactly the role will involve, and will allow the company to attract the best candidates for the position.

A good first step is to understand the basics of what facility management generally involves. There are a number of different roles within facilities management with different requirements. A facilities coordinator job description will be different from a facility technician job description, for instance, but while the specifics may vary, there are a number of common factors that are important to know.

What does a facilities management job typically involve?

The exact definition of facility manager responsibilities and duties vary greatly depending on the size, industry sector and goals of the company, but there are some general processes that almost all facility managers cover.

Facilities maintenance and workspace management

Facilities managers are first and foremost in charge of making sure that the physical workspaces of a business are in full working order, and that they maximise productivity. A well-managed workspace greatly improves worker efficiency, especially when a facilities manager coordinates with an interior designer to improve employees’ experiences in the workplace and boost productivity.

Facility managers also have to make sure that all systems necessary for daily operations are maintained, as well as basic building systems such as plumbing, electricity, and internet access are proactively maintained. They should both deal with problems as they arise (reactive maintenance) and undertake preventive maintenance to avoid issues occurring in the first place (proactive maintenance).

Managing partnerships with vendors and other third parties

To keep the business running smoothly, facilities managers need to communicate with vendors and other third parties who supply or are supplied by the business. They often act as a contract manager, negotiating with third parties and ensuring that the terms of these agreements are met on both sides.

Workplace health and safety

Facility managers are responsible for ensuring the company meets health and safety standards, implementing safety measures to meet regulations and keep everyone working in or visiting the building safe.

For example, a facility manager is responsible for fire safety precautions, maintaining equipment so that it functions safely, and establishing policies that maintain good hygiene in workspaces.

Technology and assets management

Facilities managers should be aware of all the major assets and technology used by the company in its operations. They need to make sure these assets are functioning properly, and also assess whether there are alternatives that may be better for the company in terms of increasing productivity or efficiency.

Building management

The job role of a facilities manager often overlaps somewhat with that of a property manager, in that they are responsible for managing the company’s built environment alongside their other duties. They are responsible for building maintenance, repairs and improvements, as well as maintaining outside spaces.

Strategic planning

As well as the immediate task of daily operations, a facility manager needs to keep an eye on the bigger picture. They should work with the upper management in long-term planning, laying the groundwork for the company’s aims by improving efficiency and implementing the necessary infrastructure, systems and procedures to meet expansion goals.

What skills requirements are there for a facilities manager role?

To carry out their job responsibilities effectively, facilities managers need a variety of skills and competencies. As with duties, the key skills for a facility management role will vary from company to company, but in general facility managers should have:

  • Management skills: As their job titles suggest, facility managers need to have good management skills to keep on top of all their responsibilities and to coordinate with and direct workers in their daily operations.
  • Analytical skills: Maximising efficiency is a large part of the role, and this relies heavily on analysing data collected and compiled by Computer Aided Facilities Management software (CAFM) — so a facility manager needs to be able to make sense of this data and what it means for the company
  • Strategic and long-term planning skills: While ensuring the daily workings of the company operate smoothly is a large part of the job, a good facilities manager is able to look at the bigger picture and help steer the business in a positive direction in the long term
  • Leadership and interpersonal skills: Much of a facility manager’s job will involve communicating with other people, including workers, upper management and third parties. They should therefore be confident in their ability to communicate effectively, and to take charge as a project manager when coordinating projects that span multiple teams or parties.

What qualifications does a facilities manager need?

As a minimum, when looking for a facilities manager companies will ask for a bachelor’s degree in Business Management, Civil Engineering, or a similarly relevant subject, along with a given number of years of relevant experience. This might be all you’re asked for in a job posting at medium companies, but requirements elsewhere may be higher.

Larger companies or more senior roles may ask for certification from the International Facility Management Association (IFMA). IFMA offers a number of courses and certifications, such as:

  • Facilities management professional (FMP): The basic level of facilities management training.
  • Certified facility manager (CFM): Demonstrates more advanced knowledge.
  • Sustainability facility professional (SFP): Expertize in sustainability practices.
  • Leadership in energy and environmental design (LEED) green associate: Proficiency in sustainable design, construction and operations.

Depending on the type of role, one or more of these facilities manager certifications may be needed for a facility management position.


Facilities manager interview questions and interview tips

If your job search leads you to apply for a facilities manager position, make sure you research the company and its goals thoroughly, and come up with your own ideas on how you could help meet those goals with improvements to its facilities. When doing your research, think about what questions might be asked of you, compile a list and plan answers.

Questions might include:

  • How would you improve a given facility?
  • How can you improve employees’ experience in the workplace?
  • How much do you know about industry trends?
  • Give an example of how you’ve used data analysis to solve a problem.
  • Why do you want to be a facilities manager?

Don’t be afraid to ask your own questions about the company and the role - for example, a facilities manager salary can vary widely between positions and companies, so find out what the salary is and compare it with similar roles.

Enroll in an online facility management course today

A facility management career can result in an extremely rewarding salary with a wide range of exciting job promotional opportunities. The decision to become a facility manager will ultimately come down to your qualifications, technical skills that are best suited for your personal career aspirations.

To kickstart your veterinary career, enroll in the Courses for Success Facilities Management Online Courses. This course will help gain all of the knowledge and skills that’ll prepare you to become a facility manager. kickstart your facility manager career, right from the comfort of your own home. Check out the course units of study and enroll today.

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